Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Applying Universal Design for Learning to Your Classes

With the emphasis to move more courses online and non-traditional students being the fastest growing demographic in colleges, there is no better time to learn or review the theory of Universal Design for Learning. Applying this theory will promotes diversity, provide equitable learning environments, and improve student success in the class room as well as in online courses.

The SUNY Center for Professional Development is offering training in applying universal design for learning to your courses to further inclusion design and improve pedagogical practices. In this six-week class you will directly apply Universal Design for Learning strategies that will cultivate a more inclusive and effective environment that will increase student success and retention. The course goals will include increasing the accessibility of your course content and developing scaffolds to stimulate student engagement. You will walk away with skills to benefit:
  • your students, 
  • your school, and 
  • your career.
The class is starting soon, and is part of an optional certificate program in Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, so be sure to take a look at the registration times and sign up.

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