Sunday, February 28, 2021

Principle of Representation - Guideline 2 - Criterion 4

Universal Design for Learning

Principle of Representation - Guideline 2 - Criterion 4

When developing a course using the first principle of Universal Design for Learning, there are three specific guidelines to assist us. The second, Language and Symbols focuses on maintaining clarity about the content provided.

Criterion 4 of this guideline advocates that we illustrate through multiple media.

Materials are often dominated by text, however textual presentations of content are not optimal for presenting information on the web, or possibly in a classroom. This is compounded with those who have language-related disabilities, such as dyslexia. Providing alternatives, such as illustrations or animations, can make the information more accessible for these learners. It may also help learners who favor visual presentations. Remember to:

    • Present key concepts in two different forms, such as a symbolic representation of a physics equation and an illustration or animation of its relationship
    • Provide explicit connections between information provided textually and other accompanying representations of the information.
By following these suggestions, your course will assist students communicating and expressing their knowledge, as well as being in line the Principle of Representation in the Theory of Universal Design for Learning.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Guiding Students with College Writing

Sometimes non-traditional students who are not familiar with the demands of college writing. This can impede the success in both tradition classrooms and online environments. This can discourage them and impinge the overall effectiveness of the class and they no longer want to participate.

Like most aspects on teaching and learning, a little preparation before the lesson can save the instructor a lot of work after student falter. Offering tips to students in advance can provide scaffolds that will increase the student success.  Alternatively, setting up an adaptive learning system, these tips can be set to assist students who first demonstrate that they may need writing assistance.  Of course, these tips are help everyone as well.

Below is an set of tips (included in the video above) that can be us to assist students. Feel free to use these to assist any students you have that could benefit from better discussion participation.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Principle of Representation - Guideline 2 - Criterion 3

Universal Design for Learning

Principle of Representation - Guideline 2 - Criterion 3

When developing a course using the first principle of Universal Design for Learning, there are three specific guidelines to assist us. The second, Language and Symbols focuses on maintaining clarity about the content provided.

Criterion 3 of this guideline advocates that we promote understanding across languages.

While the class may be taught in one language, it does not mean that this is the learner’s first language. Accessibility of information is significantly reduced when no linguistic alternatives are available. While it is not always possible to offer every language, there are translation tools to offer to assist the learners. Using these and offer options demonstrating alternatives to key information greatly increases the accessibility. Consider:

    • Providing electronic translation tools or links to multilingual dictionaries on the web
    • Embedding visual, non-linguistic support, such as images, for vocabulary clarification.

By following these suggestions, your course will assist students communicating and expressing their knowledge, as well as being in line the Principle of Representation in the Theory of Universal Design for Learning.

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With the popularity and extraordinary, and dubious, claims of the ability of AI (Narayanan & Kapoor, 2024), a heightened concern about s...