Universal Design for Learning
Principle of Engagement - Guideline 2 - Criterion 4
Criterion 4 of this guideline advocates that we increase
mastery-orientated feedback.
Feedback is critical for successful learning and is the
fourth principle of Chickering and
Gamson’s seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education.
When the feedback is relevant, accessible, constructive, and timely, the
feedback is both more productive and critical for sustaining motivation and
effort crucial for learning.
Mastery-oriented feedback guides learners towards master
rather than a narrow and fixed view of performance and compliance. It
focuses on top tier learning in Blooms taxonomy while emphasizing the learners’
effort and practice as important factors for successful long-term habits and
learning practices. This empowers learners with a sense of agency and treats
learning as improving a skill, instead of a fixed target. The latter
notion often adopts the notion that some students, particularly those with
disabilities, may be constrained from meeting these fixed goals, and thus impedes motivation to persist.
When trying to meet this criterion, consider:
- View learning as improving, and focus
on effort, improvement, and achieving a standard.
- Supplying feedback that promotes
perseverance, the development of self-awareness, and encourages the
use of strategies that will assist learning when they face
- Providing
timely feedback
- Offering frequent and specific
- Adopting
strategies or models that will ensure that the feedback will be more
substantive and informative, instead of comparative or competitive.
- Within
your feedback, include how
learners can incorporate the feedback to help identify patterns that
promote errors so that they can self-correct in the future.
- The feedback should also include positive strategies for further success.
By following these suggestions, your course will assist students in communicating and expressing their knowledge, as well as being in line with the Principle of Engagement in the Theory of Universal Design for Learning.