Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Items in Blackboard

In Blackboard there are several ways to create content. An Item offers a ‘flat’ presentation of content that allows users to see the content without having to click to another page and, more frustratingly, have to click to go back the top menu.

What are the advantages of an Item?

Some advantages include:
  • Items can offer quick information, like module objectives or advice, that can help students
  • Items allow you to insert a title, descriptive text, and file attachment. This is a great way to offer instructions or supply context to the content – such as an attached file.
  • Items are developed with the content editor. Thus you have the same freedom as other content tools

How do I make an Item?

An Item can be created by:
  1. Selecting Build Content
  2. Select "Item"
  3. You will have to add a title and will be presented a content editor. Thus it is capable of anything the editor offers, such as links or embedded video.
  4. You can also attach a file
  5. Select “Submit” and you have an Item.


Best practices for using Items include:
  • Items are best when short and share a brief message. More detail can be supplied in a Blank Page.
  • The content editor, which allows: embedding of web 2.0 tools, video, audio, images, hyperlinks and more, is a powerful tool. Tragically, this is often overlooked. Be sure to use it wisely to best meet your objectives.
  • Items display at the top level, and do not open like pages in Content Folders. Used correctly, they can offer insight to navigation, act as an abstract, or offer quick access to a link, video or file.
  • Items allow for information to be included with files. If you want to add context about an attached file or hyperlink, you can include instructions about the content you are sharing with the students with an Item. The Link and the File feature do not offer such an elegant solution.
  • If you have only one page for a content section on the menu, consider using an Item for easier navigation. Less clicking makes for happier students.


As a rule, you want to be careful with the size of your Item. If your item is too long, it may distract students and make it harder to navigate the course. It is important to avoid the ‘scroll of death’ by creating long content dumps with Items. Your Items should not impede student navigation and being able to quickly review the entire course at a glance.

Follow these tips and your course can offer items that can improve your students’ success.

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