Universal Design for Learning
Principle of Engagement - Guideline 2 - Criterion 2
Criterion 2 of this guideline advocates that we optimize
the challenge by varying demands and resources
The kinds of challenges that motivate learners to do their
best vary, just like their skills and abilities. Because of the
variances between learners, we should expect that not all will be motivated or
challenged in the same way. When varying the challenges, it is important to
offer a flexible range of appropriate resources necessary for learners to
succeed in the challenge. This will allow all learners to find challenges
that are motivating. When doing this, it is vital to balance the resources available
to meet each challenge.
You should consider:
- Providing a choice of alternative tools available to learners
- Varying the range of acceptable performance per challenge
- Offering differing degrees of complexity within core activities
- Emphasize development, individual improvement and effort as standards (as these are self-motivating) instead of external evaluation or competition (which can be discouraging for some who struggle).