Thursday, March 15, 2018

Configuring the Grade Center Part 2

Working with the Total and the Weighted Columns.

 When configuring the Grade Center it is important to know the difference between the Total and Weighted Columns. 
  1. The Total column is the total points the student collected.  If you want, you can also display this in a letter grade or percentages.  It would be best to have the total as points, and the second column is for the faculty’s eyes only.

    A lazy way of grading would be to make all tests worth a set point and then set the total to a percentage.  This will give you the final grade in percentages based proportionately on the points assigned to each graded activity.
  2. Weighted column allows for the heart of the grading to take place.  It will take whatever the points are and calculate them to the grading schema that you determine.
The Weighted Column gives you a large array of options when developing a grading schema.  If you scroll down you notice that you can grade based on either:
   i. Categories.  You can choose to calculate the category (and Blackboard will do the calculations for you. This method allows you to:
  • Drop the lowest grade in a category
  • You can also chose to use only the lowest or highest grades as well
     ii.   Columns (Assignments)    You can select each assignment to do the job. – again, you will simply add the corresponding percentage needed.
    iii.       You can select a hybrid – of assignment (such as a single type activity like a Final Exam)

The Total Weight below will show you the percent to be calculated.  You should be sure that this amounts to 100%.

Now you are practically done. You can select the student viewing options and submit.

When you are done with either the form of grade calculations, you should double check to make sure all the appropriate assignments are included and afterwards ensure that both categories and the correct points are affiliated with the recorded grades.

Remember, preparing in advance saves you the any trouble down the road and makes the learning expereince easier for student to succeed.

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