Thursday, March 15, 2018

Extending Time for Tests

You are finally getting around to implementing a test in Blackboard for your course.  You discovered great options, such as:
  • Randomizing the questions and the ordering of their answers,
  • Pools of questions that allow each student to get a random set of questions, ensuring each test is unique
  • Feedback for each question, to re-enforce learning and to guide the student to assess where they need to spend more time improving.
  • Students can take the tests multiple times, to work to improve their knowledge
  • Adaptive Release and automated announcements about the test
  • Tests can be timed.

Everything is going great and then you get a call from the Office of ADA Transition Services. You have a student that requires 90 minutes of time to take your 60 minute test.

At first, this seems scary.  Is there an easy way to do this without having to make another test or having to learn how to develop Groups and merge their grades in the Grade Center.  You already developed a Baroque grading schematic that requires calculus to understand, and you have no idea how this new development will play out in the Grade Center?

Yes there is!  You can take a deep breath and rest assured.  Blackboard made it easy and can solve all these problems.

You simply select Edit Test Options.
Scroll down to section titled “Test Availability Exceptions” and select the “Add User or Group” button.
This will open a window where you can select the student who needs more time.
You will notice you can:
  • allow more attempts,
  • change the time, and even
  • change the availability of the test for the student.
Now hit “submit” and you are done

Blackboard will take care of the rest and the testing will take place seamlessly.

One advantage over regular face-to-face instruction, is that using this medium allows those with ADA requirements to not even notice their exam is any different or feel singled out from the class.
Coincidentally, this is one of the reason a large number of people with disabilities prefer the anonymity of online environments.

So, when you need to extend the time, or add special exceptions to a test, know that you can easily do with the tools we have in Blackboard.  In fact, once you use them, you may wonder why you would ever go back to tradition pen and paper.

Blackboard Test Option Crib Notes

Do you want to investigate the slides from the above video for a tutorial on how to make the most from your online quizzes?  The slide show below will offer you tips on how to take advantage of these features in Blackboard.

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